Roof flashing is a crucial part of your roof. Without flashing a roof would develop leaks in sensitive roof areas. Make sure that your roof flashing is always in good condition. Here, Fields Roof Service, Inc., a top-ranked roof replacement company, discusses all the things you need to know about roof flashing.

Its Main Function
Your roof has some weak points that are prone to leaking. Among these are joints and penetration. A joint is a valley in your roof where two slopes meet, like a dormer. Penetrations are holes in your roof, such as vents, chimneys and skylights. Water can work its way through these weak points into your home. Flashing prevents this from happening.
Its Importance
Flashing consists of materials that are not penetrated by water. It redirects water away from the joints and down into the gutters or off the roof. Without flashing, your roof is almost certain to develop leaks over time. But a good flashing and the proper roof maintenance will reduce any chance of a leak.
Its Different Materials
Roof flashing comes in a variety of materials. Aluminum is easy to form, durable and inexpensive. Copper is expensive but durable, though harder to form than aluminum. Lead is very soft, easy to bend, and also durable. Galvanized Steel is quite inexpensive but is not as durable as other choices. PVC is easy to work with, not affected by treated wood, and an advantage in deck building.
Its Use in Modified Bitumen Roofing
A modified bitumen roof is reliable and durable lasting 10 to 20 with proper maintenance. The flashings or penetrations on the roof will 9 times out of 10 be the first suspects for a roof leak. Roof flashings can make or break any new modified roofing system. They are wholly dependent on the skill and dedication of the contractor.
Fields Roof Service, Inc. offers you the perfect flashing installation for your roofs. We have been serving customers throughout Western Washington since 1957. Call us at (253) 200-5981 or fill out our contact form and let us assist you in your next home improvement project.